How to Save Money on Dog Food

Written By admin on Thursday 12 May 2011 | 04:05

By Adam Davies

For many of us, our dogs are our best friends. Because of this, we try to provide them with the most comfortable, healthy living environment we possibly can. Aside form regular exercise and annual vet check-ups, perhaps the most important thing we can do to ensure that our dog lives a long, healthy life is to feed them high quality dog food. Since cheap dog foods contain potentially harmful chemicals and fillers such as corn and other grains, feeding them this type of food can be very bad for their health.

So why doesn't everyone feed their dog top of the line foods? The same reason everyone doesn't eat high-end organic foods. Quality dog food can be extremely expensive! This is especially true if you own a large breed such as a Great Dane, Rhodesian Ridgeback or Rottweiler. At approximately $70 - $100 per bag, annual costs can exceed $800! Quality canned food is also very expensive, and can cost over $1000 per year. Add annual vet bills to the equation, and your dog can really start to take a bite out of your wallet.

What if I told you that you could reduce your monthly dog food bill in half easily? Sound too good to be true? Well it's doable if you start using dog food coupons that are readily available online, and in magazines and other publications. You can save on essentially all dog food brands, and the savings can be quite high if you find the right promotions. Many people save more than 50% each month by doing nothing more that a search on the internet for the best coupons once every couple of weeks.

Online coupons are the best types of coupons available in my opinion, not only because they are convenient, but also because there are plenty of them available. You have two options when it comes to online coupons. You can either print them off and use them at a retail pet food location, or use a special coupon code that can be applied to orders over the internet on specialty pet food sites. Many of the big pet food websites have coupons for free shipping, and between 5-10% off all purchases. This alone can add up to a decent amount of savings.

Newspapers and magazines can also be good source of coupons. Most pet food companies run monthly promotions on different lines of dog food, and will advertise in pet magazines and local papers. If you are extremely eager to save money, consider contacting one of the larger pet food companies via phone or email to find out if they have any current promotions.

It may sound like a lot of work to save only a small amount of money, but in reality, finding these dog food coupons is extremely easy. For people with multiple dogs, or has a very tight budget, spending a little time searching for coupons is a smart move. Realistically you may only need to spend as little as twenty minutes every few weeks to save a substantial amount of money a year.

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