Dog Names

Written By admin on Thursday 2 June 2011 | 00:36

By Owen Jones

Dog owners will explain that there is no given formula for choosing a good name for a new dog or puppy. Whether they have to come up with girl or boy dog names, they will normally choose a name that sounds trendy or a name they like rather than putting some thought into what the name actually means. Popular boy dog names have meanings, as do human names, so more often than not the meaning will not suit the dog it is given to. Here we give a list of the top five boy dog names and what they actually mean.

In general, one of the first things you have to do when you get a new dog or puppy is choose a dog name for him or her. For most dog owners, this actually takes little thought. They just pick a dog name out of thin air and that is the name by which the unfortunate hound will be known forever. However, there is something you ought to think about when going through dog names in order to make sure that you choose the right one.

Firstly, dogs can sense attitude and tone of voice better than we can. If you choose a dog name for comedy value or after someone you dislike, your dog will see straight through you. As a result, their attitudes may change or they may refuse to respond to your commands. Dogs' names should mean something but should not be detrimental to their development so you should really take the decision of the dog name seriously.

Despite dogs being very clever creatures, they can't process the same amount of information that we can. As a result, dog names should never be more than two syllables long. If they are more than that, most dogs will not respond. Max, Sam, Becky, Lady, Molly and the like are excellent dog names because they are short and the syllables are easily heard. They respond to these dog names and that will improve your chances of training them successfully.

However, dogs' names should help them mould a character of their own. Popular names don't really allow them to do that, so finding something simple but unusual can help their characters grow a lot without damaging their ability to respond to a command.

Max: This is perhaps the most popular boy dog name and the meaning is probably why most people choose it for their pooch. It literally means "the greatest". After all, every dog owner thinks that their dog is the greatest.

Jake: Jake is short for Jacob, which means "conqueror". This is a suitable boy dog name, if your puppy takes over the house within moments of setting foot inside it!

Buddy: Buddy is a variation of Budd, which means "messenger". This boy dog name could be apt for a working dog or one you might possibly train to retrieve the newspaper from the porch in the morning. It is a very popular boy dog name throughout the USA.

Bailey: The boy dog name Bailey is French and means "steward". This is pretty apt if your dog is responsible and sensible, so it is probably suitable for a Labrador or collie puppy, for example!

Sam: Sam seems to mean "an answer to prayers". This is a great name for dogs that are obedient, easy to train and are largely quiet!

Few new dog owners consult a name's meaning when picking a boy dog's name, so instead of just going ahead with your first idea, it would be worth taking the time to find a dog's name that is actually suitable for your dog. After all, it doesn't cost you anything to spend some time considering your dog's name.

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