Pet Containment Devices Are Humane

Written By admin on Tuesday 14 June 2011 | 00:54

By Megan Lee

Any psychologist in the world can tell you that the best possible therapy is to own a pet that is healthy and happy. Different scientific studies and researches have been made in different countries all over the world, covering different aspects of the human life style, and all of them show that people with pets tend to live longer because their lives are happier and more relaxed then others. Every owner has a story or two to tell about the antics of his pet, though these stories about spoiled, untrained and bratty pets were not taken into account by those scientific researches. If you listen to these stories you will find out that the main character, the beloved pet, either did something he or she should not do or was lucky enough to stay alive against all odds. This is one of the main reasons the pet containment devices are so important for you to help train your pet.

While many owners find it very easy to train their pets in certain ways, there are others who try a host of methods but fail to teach their pets to not bark, not cross a certain territory or even to stay with them and not run away during a walk. The lack of such training can result in a pet getting injured or even dying. Imagine walking down a street with your pet only to see your pet chase after another animal without paying heed to your commands or traffic. This is a recipe for disaster that can be avoided with proper training by the use of pet containment devices like the electronic collar.

Some hesitate to use the electronic collar as they consider it not humane. These collars are not weapons using high voltage electric shocks, they are training devices that use charges not stronger than the static charges that any of us sometimes experienced touching the body of our car in peak summer. The dogs are intelligent animals and will quickly learn to obey, so there won't be needed more than two or three of these electric shocks. The electronic collar helps you train your dog at least these issues:

1. Staying within the yard or house while you are out. If let to run free downtown, your pet will get lost or injured. Using the electronic fencing collar, you can keep your pet safe and sound within a certain area.

2. Train it to obey the basic commands given by you. The pet that is not listening your commands is either embarrassing or annoying you, and moreover, at risk. Using the remote trainers you can teach your pet to follow your orders.

3. Train your pet not to bark at inappropriate times. A dog that barks too much can be a problem for you and your neighbours who can complain in law. It may also have the bad habit of barking while your family members or your neighbours are resting. You can use the anti bark electronic collar to train your dog not to bark without reason and to bark during night only to signal intruders.

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