One Method for Keeping Dogs Living Longer

Written By admin on Wednesday 13 July 2011 | 01:18

By Tornoe Rose

Have you owned a dog for a few years now? Then you are probably quite used to taking care of it. You feed and water it daily and groom them whenever they need it. Are you wondering what you can do to insure that your dog will live longer though? Here is a method that is helping dogs to live longer.

Make sure to be careful on what your are feeding to your dog. Their food should be carefully paid attention to, so that you are providing all their nutritional needs to them. It has been recommended for a long time not to feed table scraps to dogs. This is because it can make them gain weight.

Packaged dog food is made to watch the amount of fats the dogs are getting. Also you can get dog food geared for puppies, adults, or senior dogs. Each classification is geared toward the stage of development the dog is at.

Your dog also needs water given to it daily. They have hydration needs just like we do. On the market now are watering bowls with reservoirs attached that continuously feed water into the water bowl. This is an easy way to keep water out for your dog.

Brush and groom your dog as often as recommended for the breed. You can brush your dog daily and bathe most dogs at least every other week. Some dogs will have to be bathed more often depending on how often they play outside and get dirty. Having a healthy coat is part of a dog's overall health.

Dogs require a certain amount of exercise as do humans, and you can use different methods to accomplish this. Take your dog along on your walks with you. A dog can be trained to catch the Frisbee up in the air; they will run full out to do so. You can also play fetch with your dog using a stick or a ball; the dogs will run with joy to do this trick. Some of the dogs even enjoy swimming and will swim in a lake or a pool right beside you. Competitions are held where dogs go through a particular course or set of activities. Many parks today have areas for the dogs to go in and play together.

An annual checkup by a vet is required for your dog. There are certain vaccines that the dogs require to help protect them against diseases like rabies. Their ears and teeth also need to be in good health. The dog will have a hard time eating and getting nutrition without teeth. A dog's ears can become easily infected, depending on the breed, when not given proper care. Your vet will show you how to give your dog the correct care.

Just do these tips and add a good dose of love to make you dog live more years. Your dog is a family member and when one is lost it is truly heart crushing, so make sure to care for your dog correctly. In this way the dog will stay part of the family for many more years.

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